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Meet our HSRs of the year

The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards, recognise and celebrate outstanding health and safety initiatives across workplaces in Western Australia. The HSR of the Year award is given to a health and safety representative who demonstrates exceptional commitment to workplace health and safety.

Learn from our HSR of the year. Discover their unique experiences and the impact they’ve made in creating a safer workplace, benefiting both the HSR community and the industry as a whole.

james walker 2024

James Walker - 2024

WA Country Health Service

Meet James

"James has excelled at WA Country Health Service as an HSR, spearheading initiatives to enhance psychosocial safety and implemented safety culture surveys with action plans. He developed safety videos for equipment use and simplified hazard and incident reporting with QR codes. By investigating the root causes of hazards and incidents, James ensures effective measures are taken."

health and safety representative of the year, rob curtis, st joh

Rob Curtis - 2023

St John Western Australia

Meet Rob

"Rob has actively championed the health and safety of his colleagues at St John Western Australia. As a health and safety representative (HSR), he has promoted various safety initiatives, including manual handling techniques, driver safety training, and violence prevention. He also trained paramedics at College of Pre-Hospital Care and led critical projects, improving safety procedures and fostering collaborations, which have resulted in a healthier and safer workplace."

tony booth hsr 2022

Tony Booth - 2022

Cecil Andrews College

Meet Tony

"Tony has spearheaded a multitude of workplace health and safety (WHS) enhancements at Cecil Andrews College. He introduced concussion testing protocols for students with head injuries and bolstered first aid amenities and resources. Moreover, Tony conducted an audit on chemical usage, resulting in a reduction in the quantity of chemicals utilized by cleaning personnel. Furthermore, he instituted safety protocols for sausage sizzles and revamped the canteen floor with non-slip paint for added precaution."

naomi elbrow hsr2021

Naomi Elbrow – 2021

Woodside Energy Ltd

Meet Naomi

"Naomi Elbrow embodies the essence of a team player, serving as a mentor and coach while passionately fulfilling her role as a safety and health representative. Her colleagues rely on her advocacy, trusting her to escalate unresolved issues through the risk register and provide feedback on their progress. Naomi's proactive approach to safety is highly regarded by her peers, who value her unwavering commitment to resolving safety concerns."

bruce atkinson hsr 2021

Bruce Atkinson – 2021

Department of Education

Meet Bruce

"Bruce Atkinson adopts a proactive and harmonious stance towards safety, motivating his colleagues at Mt. Lawley Senior High School to embrace accountability for their well-being. His efforts have led to noteworthy enhancements in safety, including the reduction of hazardous substances stored in the gardeners’ shed and the implementation of mock site inspections for newly appointed safety and health representatives."

megan silvey hsr2019

Megan Silvey - 2019

St John of God Hospital Murdoch

Meet Megan

"Megan Silvey has brought significant positive changes to the Endoscopy department at St John of God Hospital Murdoch through identifying health and safety issues and facilitating improvement in safety culture. Megan is willing to be at the forefront in developing and educating her fellow caregivers in regard to OHS issues."

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An interview with James Walker

James Walker, named the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) of the Year 2024, takes us through     his inspiring journey in the field of workplace health and safety. With years of dedication and hands-on experience, James shares the challenges, milestones, and achievements that have defined his career.

james walker video tile

HSR showcase videos

Meet the 2024 HSR of the year: Finalists and 2023 HSR of the year as they share their passion, journeys and achievements in these exclusive interview videos.

Watch now
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24 March, 2025

Award nominations are now open

Do you know an elected health and safety representative who has exceeded expectations in improving health and safety in your workplace? Nominations now open for Health and safety representative of the year 2025.

Find out more

HSR of the year 2025 nominations

31 October, 2024

HSR of the year 2024

Congratulations to James Walker from WA Country Health Service for being awarded HSR of the year 2024!


31 October, 2024

New ballot paper generator now available

Ballot paper generator is now live! Create and download prepared ballot papers for the upcoming HSR election directly online.

Generate ballot paper


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Question from Ayla

We already have one HSR in our work group (me) and the group would like to request for a second HSR. What is the process when one HSR already exists, are negotiations with the PCBU the same as if there wasn't already an HSR?


The negotiations follow a similar process to the election of the first health and safety representative (HSR) in that a request for an additional HSR must be made before it can be discussed and either approved or declined. Following this, the process of nominations and elections for HSRs begins.

For more detailed information, please refer to Electing HSRs.

Date: 20 March, 2025

Question from John

What do you do if the company you work for are not really using the HSR at all? What if the only thing they use the HSR for is to attend safety meetings every 3 months and nothing else?


The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 encourages persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to work with health and safety representatives (HSRs). It states:

  • HSRs can inspect the workplace anytime, especially in the case of incidents or serious risks.
  • PCBUs must consult with HSRs on safety matters and share information about hazards and health risks.

Consultation involves sharing information and making sure workers’ views are considered in decisions about workplace safety. If your company is only using the HSR for quarterly safety meetings and not fully utilising the role, it may indicate a gap in how safety is managed. Here’s what you can do:

  • Review legal obligations: HSRs should be actively involved in safety management. According to the WHS Act, HSRs have the right to raise issues, inspect the workplace, and investigate incidents. Familiarise yourself with the WHS Act to understand your rights.
  • Have a discussion: talk to management or your supervisor about how the HSR role can be better used. Suggest being involved in safety inspections, risk assessments and incident investigations.
  • Raise awareness: sometimes companies don’t fully understand the HSR role or don’t prioritise it. You can help raise awareness.
  • Offer specific proposals: if you’re concerned about safety, propose specific tasks for HSRs like conducting workplace inspections, taking part in safety audits, or reviewing safety protocols.
  • Document Everything: keep a record of all discussions or actions regarding the HSR role. This could help if you need to escalate the issue.
  • Escalate If Needed: if the company doesn’t properly use the HSR role, you can escalate the issue by contacting WorkSafe at 1300 807 377.

See the HSR Matters website for information on the PCBU’s obligations regarding consultation and work presentation.


Date: 11 February, 2025

Question from Michael

Can a dogman teach in house training of a gantry crane?


According to Schedule 3 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations), certain bridge and gantry crane operators are required to hold a high risk work license (HRWL) for certain categories of bridge and gantry crane. The WHS Regulations require a HRWL for use of a bridge crane or gantry crane that is controlled from a permanent cabin or control station on the crane; or remotely controlled and having more than 3 powered operations. This requirement includes the application of load estimation and slinging techniques to move a load. If the gantry crane does not fall under the Schedule 3 HRWL category, and an HRWL is not required to operate it, the training becomes competency based. In such cases, if the dogman demonstrates competence, they may be able to instruct others on the safe operation of the crane.

Date: 16 December, 2024

Question from Asten

What is an appropriate amount of time to spend performing HSR duties per month? For the company I work for (2000+ employees) this might look like doing one workplace inspection, talking to workers, being involved in an incident investigation and administrative tasks related to meetings (organising, preparing agenda, attending, following up on actions). We would like to have a guide in our procedure so that our HSRs and formal leaders know what to expect.


The HSR Handbook can help you determine how much time is appropriate based on your individual workplace or work group, and whether you are in a high risk industry or a workplace with frequent changes. Briefly, the PCBU must allow an HSR to spend such time as reasonably necessary to carry out the HSR functions and powers, and to attend meetings, carry out inspections and for involvement with incident investigations. The HSR and the PCBU should consult and consider the:

  • type of work, or proposed work to be carried out
  • level of risk involved
  • effectiveness of risk controls
  • specific worker needs (e.g. workers with disability, temporary ill health or injury, or who communicate in different languages)
  • attendance at meetings (e.g. work group, HSC, investigations)
  • size and complexity of the workplace and work group
  • number of HSRs in the workplace and in the work group.

Date: 4 November, 2024

Question from Reilly

I believe my workplace requires safety boots due to ongoing risks and previous incidents. Is there a certain way to complete a risk assessment on the required PPE when conducting work related duties?


Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety boots is used or worn by a worker to assist to reduce health and safety risks. PPE is one of the least effective control measures. It must only be considered after applying higher level measures, such as removing a hazard or substituting it for something safer. The PCBU needs to address any ongoing workplace risks in consultation with the workers (see Code of Practice How to manage work health and safety risks). If the hazard cannot be eliminated then the risk should be minimised as far as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of controls which may include PPE. It is the duty of the PCBU to select suitable PPE for the worker and the task, including that it is reasonably comfortable, and consult with their workers about selecting the most suitable PPE. Safe Work Australia has useful information how PPE helps manage risks.

Date: 31 October, 2024

Question from Demi

Is an HSR’s term of office from the date of election or end of their training?


The start of the 3-year term commences upon completion of the election process. The elected HSR can then make a request to the PCBU to attend an approved training course of their choice as soon as practicable and within 3 months of the request. In the meantime, the HSR can still exercise the powers and perform the functions required to represent their workgroup. However, only a trained HSR can direct the cessation of unsafe work or issue a provisional improvement notice.


Date: 9 October, 2024

Question from Aston

How important is cost when working out what is reasonably practical in relation to a PCBU’s duty to ensure health and safety?


After assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating the risk, the cost should only be considered if it is grossly disproportionate to the risk. The question of what is ‘reasonably practicable’ is to be determined objectively, and not by reference to the duty-holder’s capacity to pay. The more likely the hazard or risk, or the greater the harm that may result from it, the less weight should be given to the cost of eliminating the hazard or risk.

Guideline: How to determine what is reasonably practicable to meet a health and safety duty Section 5.3.

Date: 9 October, 2024

Question from Joe

As an HSR can I be blamed for not preventing an injury at my workplace?


An HSR is not personally liable for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith while exercising a power or performing a function as an HSR.  However, HSRs also have duties as workers under the WHS Act. If a worker is elected as an HSR, they continue to have the same duties as other workers.


Date: 9 October, 2024

Question from Pete

Do I need to do the training again if I have been re-elected for another 3-year term?


No. HSR training is not mandatory. However, HSRs are encouraged to take up their training entitlement to provide them with the skills and knowledge to perform their role effectively. If the HSR or deputy HSR is re-elected in the same work group and has already participated in initial HSR training, they do not have an entitlement to take time off work with pay to attend the initial training course again. An HSR is, however, entitled to up to one day’s refresher training each year following the completion of the initial training course.


Date: 9 October, 2024

Question from Tony

Even although I was elected by my work group, my manager told me they don’t want me to be the HSR. Can they have me removed from the role?


No. It takes a written declaration from a majority of the members of a work group to have an HSR removed. An HSR could also be disqualified by the WHS Tribunal for exercising their powers for an improper purpose or for disclosing information they acquired as an HSR for a purpose other than in connection with their role as an HSR.

Your manager needs to be aware the PCBU has several obligations to an elected HSR including providing them with resources, facilities and assistance that are reasonably necessary to enable them to exercise their powers and perform their functions under the WHS Act. The WHS Act also prohibits a PCBU from discriminating against a worker, for example by treating a worker less favourably because that worker is, has been or will be an HSR or deputy HSR.


Date: 8 October, 2024


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