HSR questions

This page contains questions raised by HSRs and answers provided by subject matter experts, which may be of interest to you

I was recently elected as a deputy HSR. When I asked to attend the introductory training course, my employer said he is not required to send me.

To exercise all your powers and perform all your functions health and safety representatives and deputies are required to attend a five-day initial training course approved by the Work Health and Safety Commission. The PCBU must allow both HSRs and deputies to attend this course and pay course fees and other reasonable costs. You are entitled to your usual pay while you attend the course.

If I am a trained HSR, can I still be an HSR if I move to a new company?

No, HSRs can only perform the functions and exercise the powers of the role for the work group they were elected to represent as per the WHS Act 2020 section 69. If you change company or move to another section in your current work group you cannot represent the new work group unless elected by them


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