PCBU obligations to HSRs

As a PCBU in Western Australia, you have specific responsibilities to health and safety representatives to ensure they can effectively perform their role in maintaining workplace health and safety

The PCBU must:

  • Consult with HSRs on WHS matters

    Engage with HSRs when making decisions that impact the health and safety of the work group they represent.
  • Provide reasonable resources and assistance

    Ensure that the HSR has access to the necessary resources and assistance required to perform their role effectively.
  • Provide WHS information to HSRs

    Supply the HSR with any work health and safety information that affects their work group, ensuring that personal or medical information is not disclosed without the worker’s consent.
  • Allow reasonable access for a person assisting the HSR

    Permit any person assisting the HSR to have reasonable access to the workplace to help the HSR in fulfilling their duties.
  • Allow HSR to accompany an inspector

    Permit the HSR to accompany a workplace inspector during an inspection to represent the workers' interests.
  • Permit the HSR to spend reasonable time on their role

    Allow the HSR to spend a reasonable amount of time performing their role without hindrance.
  • Allow HSR to attend appropriate training

    Allow HSRs to attend initial and refresher training courses of their choice per WHS legislation, with the PCBU covering all associated fees, reasonable costs, and normal pay.
  • Permit HSR attendance at meetings

    Allow the HSR to attend meetings between a worker (or group of workers) and the PCBU or an inspector, provided the worker consents to the HSR’s presence.
  • Pay the HSR their usual wage

    Continue to pay the HSR their normal wage while they are performing their duties as an HSR.
  • Display an up-to-date list of HSRs

    Ensure that a current list of HSRs and deputy HSRs is prominently displayed at the workplace for easy access by all workers.
  • It is an offence to discriminate against an HSR for any action they take while performing their role, or to threaten them to discourage them from exercising a power.

Source: Work Health and Safety Act 2020, Section 70.

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